Title - Take Me As I Am Series - The Imperfections Series Author - Shaniel Watson Genre -Contemporary Romance
Release Date - November 29
Cover Designer: Sarah Hansen at okay creations http://www.okaycreations.com
Can one night of passion ignite a fire that will last a lifetime? Sexy, overbearing, bold, take no prisoners Ava Alexander drives me crazy. She’s the opposite of me and everything I don’t want in a woman. Then there’s Sage Wilson…everything I should and do want. Ava’s a match, and if I let her, she’ll burn down everything around me. But one night is all it takes. A night seared into my mind of a raven-haired temptress with a body made for the worst kind of the sweetest sin and regret. I don’t want to hurt anyone. If I let her break down my defenses, that’s exactly what will happen. I’m a woman who knows what she wants and I make no apologies for it. Smart and successful, I have everything. Except for the one man I have my sight set on, Christopher Reed, my best friend’s brother. He’s handsome, caring, patient, the voice of reason. But don’t be fooled, as I learned, underneath all his controlled reserve is a man that commands obedience, and he’s not easily swayed by my charms and bold demeanor. But I’m a woman determined to show him I’m exactly what he needs. There’s only one problem: Sage. The one person standing in my way.Other Books in the Series
Imperfections - The Imperfections Series Book 1
Imperfections Come to Light - The Imperfections Series Book 2